I'm starting my job with HOT 101 and Rock 104 a week from tomorrow. It's exciting yet bittersweet to be entering the real world. I'm ready to go out and make money selling time on the radio, but I'm really going to miss hanging out with my roommates on a daily basis, and seeing all the broadcast majors around the radio station. I guess you have to move on sometime, though, and no time like the present. I'll also be moving to Boardman within the next two weeks. I'm hoping the move will cut down my cost of living since gas prices are outrageous and maybe help me to pay off those looming student loans. The area is beautiful, convenient, and not far from home, so I can go visit family and friends on a semi-regular basis.
I've got a lot of great stuff going for me, and I'm ready to start the next chapter of the Jill Carle journey. Watch out working world - here I come!