Sunday, September 30, 2007

We're going to Kentucky...

I'm finally back from Kentucky as the members of Titan Crew traveled there this weekend to broadcast the Westminster versus Thomas More football game. The best part was getting to use a semi-truck full of professional equipment provided to us by United States Broadcast.

Setting up and learning the new equipment was an overload of information for nearly everyone. However, we actually brought the CG from our remote truck for me to use. It was neat showing it off for Pete Beckett, the gentleman who let our crew use the truck. I also got to take over some of what would be audio's duties in our truck by giving the announcers their cues. I was excited to help out and experience another job as I have only done graphics for remotes.

After my machine was set-up, I checked out everyone else's stations in attempt to try and soak it all in. The fact that NBC Sports, CBS Sports, and ESPN have operated the equipment that our crew was able to use this weekend is absolutely awesome. This is definitely a day I will not forget.

So many people...

This weekend was Homecoming weekend at Westminster College, meaning lots of balloons, football, and people - especially alumni. I was running CG for the live broadcast that was also streamed live on the web, so I got to meet a lot of broadcast alumni. I saw some old friends, but I also was able to meet some of the former students that we always hear so much about like Amy Dalbon and Amy (Gustafson) Garland. Amy Garland is now a videographer at WKBN-TV in Youngstown, OH, where I recently applied for a part-time graphic artist position. She said she would mention my name when she got back to the station.

Also, two weeks ago while doing the graphics for the PCN game, I met their Pittsburgh Bureau Chief Doug Sicchitano. He's was very helpful to everyone on the crew offering suggestions and advice. Most importantly, he told me about some freelance opportunities I could take advantage of through the company such as working at the Harrisburg Farm Show. He also said he would be more than willing to help me out with any questions or just to look at my work. If a job opened up at the Pennsylvania Cable Network, I would definitely apply.

This just goes to show, you never know who you are going to meet and where, so always be prepared and get your name out there! After all, one of the items on Dr. B.'s checklist for success is networking.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

In this week's graphic report...

I will display and explain what I've done to improve the graphics during our weekly sports talk show Coaches Corner and for our live remote broadcasts.

Let's start with Coaches Corner. Most of the CG is lower thirds with simple names, however the PAC report there are a lot of full screens that needed a new look. Every week an offensive, defensive, and special teams player of the week is named. The graphics have always been tailored to the specific team, however it seemed like the football and logo were simply slapped on the page. On the left is what the old graphic looked like, with the new and improved CG appearing on the right. I moved both the football and logo behind the beveled box and increased their transparency to create a more professional look.

The second change was made to the full screen for the upcoming week's games. Previously, each game had a separate graphic, but the format has now changed to a single graphic for all the games. Again, you can see the improvement between the two.

As for the live remote graphics, I added the team logo to the key players’ lower thirds. I feel the largest improvement came from the change in the scoreboard, though. Before it was a freestyle solid shape with the score on top, but the shape has been replaced with a football keyed in the lower right hand corner.

Next week, I'll explore possible job opportunities and the steps I'm taking to position myself for them.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Wright Place Commercial

What I've decided to do because I'm still deciding whether to enter the sales or graphics fields when I graduate is to, with a few exceptions, blog every other week about the two. This week, I chose to do sales since my first couple weeks here my life revolved around that.

I wanted to focus on one client that I do a lot of work for, which would be The Wright Place Hair Salon in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. It's a fun and trendy Paul Mitchell Focus Salon that has two educated stylists on staff - some of the elements I tried to play up in the :30 spot. I did all the production for the commercial from selling to editing except for voicing the actual spot.

When creating the spot, two things I have been taught through my sales class at Westminster and my online course through the RAB are the most important. This would be making it customer focused and the call to action. I used the opening lines, especially the first sentence, to fulfill the first "must." A key word is "you" because it addresses The Wright Place's customers directly. It's important not to talk about the services the business has, but to show the customer why they should go there. The call to action is at the end of the commercial, which is to call or go to the website. In this case, it is not only stated but displayed on the screen as well. You may have the best produced commercial in the world, but you should also take steps to ensure those watching know what to do next.

That's all for this week, tune in next week as I show off the new graphics I've created for our sports broadcasts and talk show.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Titan Traveling...I mean Traverse

For capstone this afternoon, we decided to shift gears from the classroom to the great outdoors at the Titan Traverse course on campus. At first, I had no idea what to expect, but honestly I had fun, learned a lot, and it helped me to de-stress a little after a crazy first couple weeks of school.

One activity that I really enjoyed was "Tanks." You had to direct your blindfolded partner where to find "ammunition" and where they needed to throw. I worked with Terese, and we did a pretty good job communicating to one another. We both have pretty distinct voices, and Terese screamed commands so it wasn't hard to figure out what I was supposed to do.

The other challenge that was really interesting was the spider web. The whole class had to work together to get everyone from one side of the "web" to the other. Even though I had 11 other people's hands on me lifting me above the ground, I was never scared of falling. It really showed me that our capstone class is really close, and that we can look past our differences and work together incredibly well.

I thought of another reference that relates the "web" activity to the job search. I was taken completely off my feet with no control over where I was headed, and then after a little struggle and some help from a support system, I was back on my feet, helping others get through it and on their feet. This is what I anticipate it will be like getting a job when I graduate. I'll just throw myself in full-force, struggle at first, but with the help of others at the organization and others in my life, I'll soon be comfortable on my own feet again, and can in turn help new people in the future when they go through the same experiences.
Today really got me excited about starting my final year here Westminster, and ready to start preparing myself for my future job in broadcasting.