Sunday, September 30, 2007

So many people...

This weekend was Homecoming weekend at Westminster College, meaning lots of balloons, football, and people - especially alumni. I was running CG for the live broadcast that was also streamed live on the web, so I got to meet a lot of broadcast alumni. I saw some old friends, but I also was able to meet some of the former students that we always hear so much about like Amy Dalbon and Amy (Gustafson) Garland. Amy Garland is now a videographer at WKBN-TV in Youngstown, OH, where I recently applied for a part-time graphic artist position. She said she would mention my name when she got back to the station.

Also, two weeks ago while doing the graphics for the PCN game, I met their Pittsburgh Bureau Chief Doug Sicchitano. He's was very helpful to everyone on the crew offering suggestions and advice. Most importantly, he told me about some freelance opportunities I could take advantage of through the company such as working at the Harrisburg Farm Show. He also said he would be more than willing to help me out with any questions or just to look at my work. If a job opened up at the Pennsylvania Cable Network, I would definitely apply.

This just goes to show, you never know who you are going to meet and where, so always be prepared and get your name out there! After all, one of the items on Dr. B.'s checklist for success is networking.

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