Saturday, March 15, 2008

Putting it All Together

In the final week before break, I spent a lot of time piecing together elements of my final project. I changed the focus from graphics back to sales slightly as I have almost all of the pieces together for the portfolio. I am utilizing the marketing elements from the Wright Place Hair Salon since they have advertised on radio, television, and newspaper with me. Below is the television commercial the business runs on the Westminster Cable Network.

I sent various pieces of the portfolio and my resume to my alumni contact Bobby Fisher so he could send me some feedback from the sales world. I have also sent my resume and some examples from my graphics portfolio to a contact I found through Mr. Weaver - Brad Grandon, and Doug Sicchitano of PCN.

I'm very excited to put together a compilation of my work at Westminster, but it's also surreal because on Monday, it will be exactly two months until graduation. It's a great feeling to know I have a lot of quality work to show to employers, but I can't believe it's almost over.

In those next two months, I look forward to making improvements to parts of my sales and graphics portfolios and putting the finishing and final touches to my work at Westminster. For now though, I'm going to enjoy spring break!


Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Watch out for those SPAMMER/SPYWARE FREAKS.

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

You should invite Mr. Fisher and Mr. Grandon to check out your blog.