Saturday, February 02, 2008

Where have all the graphics gone?

When I started this blog earlier in the school year, I mentioned that I would do my best to alternate my entries between sales and graphics. As you can tell, I haven't followed that pattern very well. This is mainly because I feel like sales is the area where I see my future career. I feel as though my personality and skills are better suited for becoming a broadcast sales account executive. The fact that the art and graphics departments are quickly shrinking at television stations doesn't help for finding full-time work in the field either.

Recently, I have decided to get more involved with my art and graphics work. I still constantly create and run the graphics for the live remote broadcasts and the Coaches Corner show on campus. However, I do have a love for Photoshop, and am manipulating some photographs I shot recently to update my portfolio. Below is one of my works in progress. I took the original picture and cropped it so the butterfly was on the lower right third. Then, I applied the cutout filter to the entire image, and finally enhanced the contrast and added a little more green to the shadows. I still may make more changes but I feel it has definitely improved.

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