Friday, December 07, 2007
On a cold, snowy night...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Competing Medias
I recently changed my topic to selling competitive media because it seemed harder to talk with a graphic designer than a sales representative. As a part of other projects in capstone, I have already spoken with three current or former account executives: Brad Grandon, who used to sell media and is currently working for Garmin, Bobby Fisher, who has sold various forms of media, and Stevi Nelson, who sells advertising for WTAE in Pittsburgh.
I have also contacted a couple radio, network, and cable television salespeople that I am either waiting to hear back from or have appointments to speak with them. In addition to speaking with these professionals, I gained a lot of knowledge of this topic from my RAB training to become a Radio Marketing Professional.
It's really interesting to hear all the different perspectives each person has on the different forms of media, broadcast and otherwise. Learning from what these individuals have to say gives me a more complete education on the various forms of media and ways to make them more appealing to clients. Plus, it never hurts to make a connection with someone, who also has connections, that has the job you want a few months from now.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The two performances are in two weeks and the commercial has one last airing on Thursday, November 29th during the 7:30 broadcast of The County Line. It's already played around four times, and I believe the company plans to post the spot on their website because they were so pleased with the final product.
In addition to The Nutcracker commercial, the plan is to create a general commercial promoting the ballet company itself in the spring. It's purpose will be to raise awareness about the organization and hopefully draw new girls and/or guys to take classes or participate in their annual productions.
It's been great working with the New Castle Regional Ballet Company, and I look forward to building upon my already existing relationship with this client - one of the steps to successful selling.
Friday, November 16, 2007
A First!
Of course, being the first time we broadcasted this event, there were some kinks to work out. Directing was actually more fun than I thought it would be, but it was definitely very stressful trying to put on a good show for the premiere of the event on live television. However, I was proud of the announcers, the crew, and also the finished product. Again, a special thanks to all the people and organizations that helped make the event and the production such a success. Watch the replay Saturday, November 17th at 7 PM!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Paid Off...
The following Monday I had an interview with her at the station's new building located just off the McKnight Road exit on I-279. I have one word to say about the location: amazing! There are flat screen HD TVs everywhere, it's environmentally friendly, and it is so expansive. I was blown away by the facility, but I really enjoyed the people I met as well. Sharon and her boss Gary Bogart, the General Sales Manager, were wonderful. They were extremely personable and I could tell they cared about me other than the fact that I want to explore broadcast sales.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Alumni Swap!
He is one of the very few majors I know that went into broadcast sales - one of the main reasons I decided to contact him. I met Bobby originally when he spoke in Dr. Barner's Broadcast Sales and Advertising class. At that time, he was selling radio, newspaper and internet advertising at Steel City Media. He left that job about a year and a half ago for his current job with Dominion Enterprises in Pittsburgh. Bobby does inside sales for the company's publication The Employment Guide which is simply a paper full of job listings.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Busy Little Bee...
My first accomplishment of the week was passing my Radio Advertising Bureau Final Exam with a score of 90 out of 100. I'm waiting to hear back from them on how to obtain my physical diploma, but it feels great to be a certified Radio Marketing Professional.
Secondly, I am working on my alumni presentation for capstone. My alumni, Stevi Nelson, graduated last year and is currently working in television sales at WTAE in Pittsburgh. We are close friends, and actually were sales partners in class while she attended Westminster. She's an idol to me because it's rare that a TV station hires a salesperson with no professional experience, but she obviously made an impression right out of college. Hopefully she can give me some tips from what she did to land me my dream job in a few months.
Finally, I have started the internship hunt for next semester. Earlier this week, I sent out applications to three stations in Pittsburgh for sales internships - 105.9 The X, WPXI-TV, and Stevi's employer, WTAE-TV. I hope to send out a few more internship applications before all is said and done, but I feel any of those three experiences would be very beneficial to me.
It's no secret that senior year is in full swing, but I'm hoping all of this hard work through classes, networking, and additional work off campus will position me at the top of employers lists in April and May.
Friday, October 19, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I had the opportunity to sit down with Debbie Parou, the artistic director for the ballet. She has over thirty years of dancing experience founded the company 20 years ago as a non-profit organization to promote quality ballet training and to present performances for the New Castle area. Parou also helped the company become a member of Regional Dance America/Northeast in 1990 as it's currently a full performing accredited company.
That's where I come into the picture. I'm creating a :30 commercial to promote the Nutcracker performances which will take place December 1st and 2nd at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in New Castle. The spot will consist of still pictures and graphics with some visual effects and a voice track. I think the beginning will be a mini montage with the voice track and graphics combined saying and showing three words about the performance that Parou conveyed to me during our meeting. The rest will mostly describe the high level of performance and how the audience will be wrapped into that feeling.
I'm looking forward to helping the New Castle Regional Ballet promote this always popular event and facing the challenge of creating a commercial with limited resources. For more information on the New Castle Regional Ballet, click here.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
My other passion...
My supervisor was John Mikulas, a videographer with Channel 21 WFMJ in Youngstown, Ohio. He really knows the ins and outs of shooting, and is an excellent teacher. I learned the basics like starting on the quarterback and zooming out to a medium shot with him and the two guards, but he also gave us tips about shooting in general. For example, if you're shooting anything with music, never stop rolling because when you take the tape for editing, it will be difficult at best to match up different parts of music if it cuts out at any point.
It was nice to try something new in the field, and I feel like John Mikulas would always be available in the future for help or advice if needed.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
We're going to Kentucky...
So many people...
Also, two weeks ago while doing the graphics for the PCN game, I met their Pittsburgh Bureau Chief Doug Sicchitano. He's was very helpful to everyone on the crew offering suggestions and advice. Most importantly, he told me about some freelance opportunities I could take advantage of through the company such as working at the Harrisburg Farm Show. He also said he would be more than willing to help me out with any questions or just to look at my work. If a job opened up at the Pennsylvania Cable Network, I would definitely apply.
This just goes to show, you never know who you are going to meet and where, so always be prepared and get your name out there! After all, one of the items on Dr. B.'s checklist for success is networking.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
In this week's graphic report...
Let's start with Coaches Corner. Most of the CG is lower thirds with simple names, however the PAC report there are a lot of full screens that needed a new look. Every week an offensive, defensive, and special teams player of the week is named. The graphics have always been tailored to the specific team, however it seemed like the football and logo were simply slapped on the page. On the left is what the old graphic looked like, with the new and improved CG appearing on the right. I moved both the football and logo behind the beveled box and increased their transparency to create a more professional look.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Wright Place Commercial
What I've decided to do because I'm still deciding whether to enter the sales or graphics fields when I graduate is to, with a few exceptions, blog every other week about the two. This week, I chose to do sales since my first couple weeks here my life revolved around that.
I wanted to focus on one client that I do a lot of work for, which would be The Wright Place Hair Salon in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. It's a fun and trendy Paul Mitchell Focus Salon that has two educated stylists on staff - some of the elements I tried to play up in the :30 spot. I did all the production for the commercial from selling to editing except for voicing the actual spot.
When creating the spot, two things I have been taught through my sales class at Westminster and my online course through the RAB are the most important. This would be making it customer focused and the call to action. I used the opening lines, especially the first sentence, to fulfill the first "must." A key word is "you" because it addresses The Wright Place's customers directly. It's important not to talk about the services the business has, but to show the customer why they should go there. The call to action is at the end of the commercial, which is to call or go to the website. In this case, it is not only stated but displayed on the screen as well. You may have the best produced commercial in the world, but you should also take steps to ensure those watching know what to do next.
That's all for this week, tune in next week as I show off the new graphics I've created for our sports broadcasts and talk show.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Titan Traveling...I mean Traverse
One activity that I really enjoyed was "Tanks." You had to direct your blindfolded partner where to find "ammunition" and where they needed to throw. I worked with Terese, and we did a pretty good job communicating to one another. We both have pretty distinct voices, and Terese screamed commands so it wasn't hard to figure out what I was supposed to do.
The other challenge that was really interesting was the spider web. The whole class had to work together to get everyone from one side of the "web" to the other. Even though I had 11 other people's hands on me lifting me above the ground, I was never scared of falling. It really showed me that our capstone class is really close, and that we can look past our differences and work together incredibly well.